Foreign Telegram's telemetry is unlocalized: Bouncing from the Aegean Sea to the Shibuya underground, it resides in the sphere of the aural and the cultural. It attempts to modulate the disposability of J-pop and noise art arriving as a quintet of the familiar like the girl next door. Simultaneously unchallenging and iconoclastic, it assimilates as it consumes the commonplace and conspires to elevate.
"We started cutting the project on a beige G3 modded to 1GB RAM and dual 450 G4. When we started to audtion the takes and edit stuff together, Eve and I both got G5s. By the time we were done with the mixes, I was working on a G5 dual 2.7 with 5.5GB of RAM and a TB array. Nice to not run out of memory and NEVER crash. We cut our miniDVs up with a combo of iMovie HD (when I'm feeling REAL lazy) and Final Cut Pro. The web site, the recording, the videos, all Mac over here now."